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tv   The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer  CNN  July 4, 2011 2:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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what i've been doing all along. go to see the doctor, having shots, cleaning the yard, pickipick ing leaves. >> why do you want to become a citizen? >> well, that's what you do when you're a citizen. happening now, we're standing by for a verdict in the casey anthony trial. now it's in the hands of a jury. plus, republicans on parade. most of the gop presidentable candidates are spending this holiday with voters in key battleground states. this hour, their stops and their missteps. and a fugitive on murder charges here in the u.s. alerts police that he's in mexico and taunt themselves by saying catch me if you can. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm joe johns. you're in "the situation room."
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>> jurors have been deliberating for five hours now. 25-year-old casey anthony is waiting to find out whether she'll be convicted of killing her 2-year-old daughter caylee. prosecutors closed by arguing that anthony killed caylee in 2008 because the toddler was getting in if the way of her love life and partying. anthony has pleaded not guilty to all seven counts against her and denies hurting her daughter. the defense argues the child drown in the family swimming pool. our senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin joins us now on the phone. and jeff, simple question is, looking at the elements as you see them, do you think the prosecution here has proven a case of first degree murder? >> you know, joe, based on my -- what i've seen of the evidence, i think first degree murder is a long shot verdict here.
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there are so many open questions. there is no time of death, there's no cause of death, and there is just circumstantial evidence, powerful circumstantial evidence that casey anthony killed her daughter, but i think first degree murder, which is premeditated, which is intentional murder, that's a long shot verdict. >> and so there are obviously a pa va ryety of other charges here including aggravated manslaughter of a child. do you see that as perhaps more in the mix for a jury to look at? >> i think casey told so many lies and behave sod oddly following the death of her daughter i would not be at all surpriseded to see a conviction in this case for any of thelesser charges like aggravated manslaughter, but i
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certainly don't see the evidence for first degree murder. >> let's listen to a little bit of what the judge had to say before giving the evidence -- i'm sorry, we do not have that. the simple version here, though, is there are a variety of different charges. he instructed the jury in 100 different ways. they have been sequestered for a long time. do you see this thing going on for three or four or five days? or what is the general principle that you apply to a jury being out a long time, versus out a short time if there is one? >> there's one day of deliberation for each week of trial. so we argue for two weeks of
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dlib here. that r50u8 is very much honored in the breach a lot. people remember the o.j. simpson case that was a three-month trial and took one day of deliberation. strange things happen in trial so i wouldn't be all surprised to see any length of deliberation in this case, though one day would certainly be very, very unlikely. i expect the jury will deliberate at least into next week, given the complexity and length of the trial. >> certainly has been a long and complex trial. >> thanks and stay close to your phone because we might have to talk again soon. president obama hosts a fourth of july celebration at the white house in the next hour with u.s. military he military hero and their family. it's a brief break from the high-stakes political fight of raising the legal limit and
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national debt. the clock is ticking and the administration is exploring all of its options. >> the white house continues to worn of the dire consequences if the debt kreeling is not raised. one option now being floated involves the 14th amendment. >> timothy geithner whipped out a copy of the 14th amendment. >> the validity of the public debt in the united states authorized by law including debts incurred for the payments of pension and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection rebellion is the important thing. shall not be questioned.
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>> the thinking is that president obama may be able to ignore the ceiling because it is unconstitutional. but steve vladic, a constitutional law professor at american university says it's no so black and white. >> i think we're not really talking about the clear legal argument so much as we are talking about what's possible. i think there's at least some text you'll support for that argument in section four? but this is a provision even though it's been around for 135 years, ift's barely been interpreted. it's never been the subject of supreme court decisions. so i think all we have is speculation a and guesses. >> despite intense talks led by vice president biden and more than $1 trillion in budget dut kuts identified, republicans and democrats remain at sharp odds over deeper spending cuts and tax hikes for the wealthy. with the clock ticking, a long-term solution becomes more difficult. while legal scholars debate it and some democrats entertain it,
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john corn anyo john cornyn dismissed it. >> that's crazy talk. to say the president has the authority to basically do this by himself urks we ought oto sit down and work together. >> he said republicans might be willing to embrace a debt ceiling minideal. but corn anyone says this would only delay the moment of truth. joe? >> so dan, just to be here. has the administration sent any signals at all it might tangibly use this weapon? or is it just a trial balloon in your view? >> this has been floated about by democrats. they really hope that republicans and democrats can hammer this out by that august 2
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deadline. that's what they're pushing for right now, joe. >> thanks so much for that, dan. >> now the soaring national debt and a look at what could happen a month from now. >> if the debt ceiling isn't raised by august 2, the u.s. treasury won't be able to pay all its bills. we've been here before, but never quite so close to default. since we've been accumulating a big national debt, congress has raised the debt ceiling just 78 times. since 1960 alone. since the nation's debt reached the $1 trillion mark in the early 1980s, look at how government borrowing has skyrocketed. climbing really at an ex exponential rate. how is $14 trillion in relation
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to how big the economy is. it's about 95% of the size of the whole economy. we're fast approaching rates not seen since way back in world war ii and the great depression. when the size of the debt limit and the national debt was actually bigger than our gdp. this is what economists call a debt crisis. america runs by borrowing money. right now, 38 cents is borrowed money. if the debt kreeling is not raised in time, the u.s. could default on some of the payments. that's the last thing we need, recovering from a recession. >> fomdominique strauss-kahn ma face new sexual assault charges even though the case in new york is falling apart. [ male announcer ] to the seekers of things which are one of a kind.
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>> presidential candidates know this holiday is a terrific star spangled backdrop for campaigning. most of the republican contenders are out today, hoping to turn the nation more red than blew in 2012. >> soom are vying for more
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conservative voters, others focussing on moderates. >> you guys are all voters this year, huh? yeah, yeah, good. get out there and vote. >> reporter: republican presidential candidate in new hampshire. at one point, h he crossed paths with fellow gop challenger john huntsmen. shaking hands for taking their places on the parade route. romney who's been effectively running for president since his unsuccessful 2008ed by took aim at president obama, repeating his stance that the president has made the economy worse. it's a statement that's drawn criticism from the left and from independent fact checkers. >> president obama didn't cause the downturn, but he made the recession deeper than it wanted to be. >> huntsman stayed out of the fray, focussing on making a name ff himself just two weeks after officially entering the race.
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>> people want to meet the early candidates, they want to shake their hand and begin to understand what you're all about. so this was a must-hit unt for us. >> in clear lake, iowa, two other republicans shared the same parade route. newt gingrich and michelle bachmann, courting the same part of the state for conservatives. bachmann has been spending time in iowa after officially kicking off her campaign there and plans to spend a lot more time in the state that holds the first caucus. >> we love you. we'll be back soon. god bless you. >> as gingrich shook hands, he was asked about the partisan fighting in washington. and the down-to-the-wire fight over raising the debt ceiling. . >> i think they're going to pass a debt ceiling. then the question will be whether the president will sign it. >> why are we pushing it to crisis for the whole niegs naigs? sdsh nati
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-- nation? >> rick santorum is also in iowa marching in parades there today. >> thanks so much for that. now to a critical challenge. >> americans are still dying in iraq. iranians may have some of that blood on their hand. here's chris florence. >> 16 american troops died in iraq last month, more than anytime in the past two years. u.s. military officials indirectly blame iran for their deaths. >> most of our kids who have been killed recently have been killed by extremist shiaa group, not by al qaeda in iraq, but by extremist shiaa groups. they're getting fairly sophisticated and powerful weapons from iran.
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reertd a u.s. official says iraqi militias are new using army-piercing grenades and metal canisters packed with explosives and shot by rockets. the officials say that is a signature weapon of groups backed by iran. >> you have to pay attention. we have an aggressive nation right next door, a nation that has interest here. >> reporter: when i embedded with u.s. troops right along the iraq-iran border last year, they were already dealing with weapons being smuggled in. how big of an influence does iran have in what goes on here? >> well, i think it's huge. >> iran didn't sign a security agreement like we did. you know? iran doesn't have a responsible drawdown of forces like we do. iran doesn't have a timetable to be out when we do. >> reporter: so to count ber iran's influence, a lot of american officials want to adjust that timetable and keep u.s. military official forces in iraq past the end of the year.
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>> i think it would be mutually beneficial to us and iraqis if that was, in fact, the case. >> reporter: the number of 10,000 troops has been floated around, but keeping that many could face popular resistance back home. >> but clearly, there is still a threat in iraq and a small, soft presence there i think would be visible. >>. >> reporter: u.s. troop s tolde iran would pay iraqi truck drivers to drive weapons over the border to iraq. but they said one of the things that makes it tough in that area is along the border, you have long standing intense family ties. in other words, families that go back generations and generations, and that have been crossing that border for hundreds of years. so it makes it very tough to try to totally separate the two nations now. >> and if they extend the schedule, though, that could just go on ad infinitum because iran could continue to do this for decades. >> wow the hope among some military folks who want to keep
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a continued presence there is to give the iraqi forces even more time to build up their capability to try to go after some of iranian involvement there along the border, hoping that perhaps another few years with a minimum u.s. presence there would just augment the iraqi forces to the point that they be a little more self-sustaining say, you know, three, four, five years from now than they would be by december. >> chris lawrence of the pentagon, thanks so much for that. >> yep. >> just days after a new york court released him from house arrest, dominique strauss-kahn's legal troubles aren't over yet. he faces more accusation and possibly charges in france. plus, a boat filled with american tourists sinks off of mexico's coast. several people are missing in the rough waters. we'll have the latest on the search. the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... [ whirring and beeping ]
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>> marry snow is monitoring some of the other stories in the situation room. >> a french journalist accuses dpom nique strauss-kahn of sexually assaulting her in 2003.
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strauss kahn's attorneys say she's making, quote, false declarations. the ex-imf chief was released from jail after the prosecutor withes raised concerns about their star witness. petraeus in kandahar afghanistan told him they exhibit the most yuaningful display of patism possible. he plans the withdrawal of 33,000 u.s. troops in afghanistan by september 2012. hugo chavez made a surprise return home. he's been in havana cuba for several weeks after undergoing emergency surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. former secretary of state
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condoleezza rice attended today's unveiling ceremony and remarked on the special relationship between the u.s. and britain. margaret thatcher paid tribute. >> they've got a statute and we've got an airport. probably some other things named after him, too. thanks so much for that. the housing crisis have been so painful for so many americans it can be even harder for american families. troops ordered to relocate can face massive losses on the homes they've been forced to leave behind. >> packing up and moving out. this is montgomery's 15th time for the military. but this time it's different as
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he makes his move to virginia, the financial burden of his north las vegas home will be. co-ing with him. the house he purchased four years ago with much of his life savings has lost so much in value it's a struggle to figure out how best to cut his losses. >> how much were we talking about when you bought it in the. >> the house was $420,000. it got appraised for $180,000. so that's 42% of the original price. >> reporter: the housing price is hitting military service members especially hard. relocation is a way of life. with 2340 luxury to ride out the economy. and any bad mark in their finances could also jeopardize their careers. major john royal and his family are being sent to korea in november. his north las vegas house is now worth nearly 50% less than when he bought it in in 2007. it's currently on the market as a short sale, but if there are no taker, he says he'll have no choice but to walk away. >> currently have a top secret
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security clearance, and if you have a foreclosure, it could impact you significantly. >> reporter: there's some financial aid for service members facing relocation and who can't unload their homes, but the program only applies to homes. you are chased before july to 2006, a program that doesn't lep colonel montgomery or major royal. >> is there something they can go more? sure. absolutely. >> reporter: one congressman is calling for more fund for the assistance program instead of spending in other areas. >> we need to take care of the men and women, boots on the ground before we continue to invest in very expensive weapons systems. >> at least 32 airmen had to foreclose on their homes. and for so many others, the situation even makes them consider giving up their military careers because of the financial strain.
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>> this is the schedule i told you to put together. >> a price he's willing to pay to continue to serve his country. >> it's the beginning of the end of the nasa shuttle program. we take you into the secret world of the anti-government movement in syria. some people think allstate only protects your car. here's the truth: allstate can also protect your home or apartment. as well as your boat, motorcycle, rv, and snowmobile. and even your retirement and your life.
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syrian activists insist they will not be stopped even if it means prison or death. we go inside the secret world of the opposition. >> amateur video from last april. tear gas in the air, the sound of gunshots. a man injured, carried down the
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street. a few weeks later, this scene. cnn was taken to the stream with gunned minors. they were vandals not peaceful demonstrators. then away from the camera, a young man sweeps past me. slips a folded piece of paper in my hand. it's my e-mail, he says. they're lying to you. they cleared the streets for your benefit. then he disappears. the next few days, we e-mailed him. he's too afraid to meet us for now. he wants to be sure we're not being followed. days later, we agree to speak in perfect in a public place. we're not showing his face for his own security. >> there are more than 5,000
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security guards. not just the security guards. it's gun, machine guns. they have guns, they are ready to shoot us. those who say in secret, they want the security forces to stop harassing him, who want to be free. but if they want top show their faces on camera, for now, this is how they're doing it. a gathering in a park in central damascus, it took two months to get a permit and they had to promise no posters, no slogans.
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a minute of silence for the dead. this is officially a vigil in honor of the hundreds of people who have died in tt uprising in this country since mid march. it's billed as apolitical. but when people know you're a journalist, they come up to you and whisper things that they say they still don't dare say on camera. in a damascus hotel, dissidents met for the first time in public in syria. the government didn't object. not the young people. these are the older generation
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temperatu. like hussein, men who have spent years in prison for advocating democracy. some say it legitimatized the regimes while killings continue. this man spent seven years in prison for giving a university lecture that irked officials. >> translator: we cannot go back and cannot remain in the current situation. even those in power have to stop speaks in a new language, even though we don't believe what they're saying. >> reporter: these men could be the grandfathers of the young protesters on the street who say they want change. today, it is a new generation's turn. zaid whom we met in secret says he wants to make his own children proud one day, but still can't show his face.
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>> you are afraid to show your face on camera. why? why? what do you think would happen to you if we showed your face and put it on camera. . >> i will disappear. maybe for one day, a week, a month, year, i don't know. >> reporter: but whether they show their faces or prefer to remain nameless, for the opposition in syria, this could be their defining moment. >> we were in a public place
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meeting in secret in a public place. away from sort of other customers at a cafe, and we thought it would be very easy to look through security cam perhaps we fuzzed out the name of the cafe, just to be extra safe about it. >> give me a sense as you travel around the country. are you able to gauge the sort of levels of opposition and supporters of the opposition, versus the levels of support for the status quo? >> it's almost impossible to get number, such as polling numbers, like you do in the united states, but you do have sizable support for the regime of the regim regi regime, especially from people who benefit from the status quo who perhaps philosophically on some level would want there to be more freedom. for instance, people in the tourism industry, gas exploitation industry, they're industries suffering now or going to suffer tremendously if
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there is upheaval. some of these people are also afraid of what might replace the regime. sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. >> so you're here, you're going to be hosting john king usa right after the situation room. >> i'm very excited. >> what do you have coming snup. >> we have the latest on the casey anthony trial and on dominique strauss-kahn. now that he's facing a second sex charge in france as well and he's vowing to sue for defamation in france we're going to be speaking to a french journalist in new york and all the news out of the middle east. i just came back from the middle east. so we'll bring you that as well. >> great to see you. >> great to see you. >> we heard the judge in the casey anthony trial tell the jurors, the lawyers are not on trial. but did the defense attorney make a mistake by calling his client names. and a fugitive in a murder case appears to be taunting police, with e-mails challenging them to
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>> cnn's foreign affairs correspondent tells us about moscow's image to -- mission to reshape its image. >> this young professional living in washington, d.c., just the kind of person voice of russia radio wants to reach, to change americans' hearts and minds about moscow. let's give it a listen. >> bringing russia to new york and washington, d.c. 24/7. >> three hours during morning drive, three hours in the afternoon, in english. a.m. radio broadcasts from this
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kremlin-controlled service from a brand-new studio in the u.s. capital. news, features, talk shows. when you think of russia, what's your impression? >> i would say generally negative. >> reporter: the political opposition and independent media doesn't help. in spite of other teams to improve russia and itsleader's image. >> russia is many respect is seen negatively in this country. the voice of russia's deputy chairman admits this could be a tough sell. >> i hope they would bf interested to hear what happens in russia and how we see it hopefully. but overall, it would be difficult. >> a lot of these young people who are interested in russia, are they still grappling with these negative stereotypes or do they have a new view of russia? >> well, they do have a new view of russia? because obviously this is --
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>> it may be the voice of russia, but it sounds american. deanna ray is a reporter and producer. >> in one way, the russian perspective, but in a balanced, credible way. >> just as voice of russia uses radio to reach americans, its rival, the voice of america, is reaching out to russians with russian language website and -- >> facebook, twitter. one of the biggest social media sig sites in russia. >> reporter: voa said it tried to get on radio and tv in russia. >> we, on the other hand, have been prevented from affiliating with russian radio television stations because of threats and the pressure that the government brings on license holders. >> voice of russia's director says they want americans to hear how moscow sees things. >> we want to be heard in this country and speak to the americans in their language. >> reporter: but do americans really care about what russia has to say?
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>> i think if they're just talking about russia, they're going to have a very limited listener base. >> reporter: jordan hostetter says it may take a well known personality to get him to tune in. jill dougherty, cnn, washington. targeting terror plots. is america any safer two years after an attempt to blow up a packed airliner on christmas? we're going inside the government's counterterrorism center to find out. and welcome aboard space shuttle discovery. an exclusive look inside the shuttle like you've never seen before. >> i just remembered when we landed, i did not want to get out of the commander seat. they were trying to get me out. this is my spaceship, you can't have it. on of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans,
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>> on this fourth of july, quite a few americans could use a refresher course in american history. what year did the country declare independence? and only 58%, a little more than half knew the correct answer, 1776. 26% weren't even sure, and 16%
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of those surveyed named the wrong year. in the fight over the debt limit, top republicans say tax hikes are off the table, but they may be opening the door to eliminating tax breaks. joining me in today's strategy session, jamal simmons. he's a principal at the raven group. also joining us, republican strategist and former press secretary for newt gingrich, rich galen, also the publisher of i know you don't want me to say newt gingrich because you've done so much more than that. >> yes. >> sorry. >> i think it was interesting that the writers decided that when you said 58%, you would also have to say more than half. >> and he had to say the year. >> that's right, that's right. i had to get it right. why do you think that is, first of all? why is it that people don't know anymore? >> i don't know that they ever
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did. i mean, we have to go back, you have to show me data from 50, 100 years ago to see if that's any better or worse. but who paid attention in high school social studies? not me. >> let's talk politics and tacks. do you think the republicans are now ready to go ahead and say tax ruts are on the table? or are we just talking about tax breaks? and really, what's the difference? >> republicans will be able to say they did not raise taxes. they did tax reform, which is good thing, but there was no tax rate increase. the danger for the democrats is we need them to raise taxes, feel free, we'll buy the ads to help you say that. >> one is, there's a polly problem. every plan has a same component, defense cuts, entitlement reform and tax revenue raisesers. the problem is that john
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cornyn's position is he wants to close tax loopholes but doesn't want a net increase in revenue. you don't fix the problem that way. ultimately we're going to have to get there. looks like the door is creeking open and we might actually get to the point where we can do something about -- >> the best way to raise taxes is not to raise taxes but to get the unemployment rate down so you have something like than 13 million people drawing unemployment and instead working and paying taxes. >> how much of this, though is really suspended disbelief. when you have a country that's just come out of a severe recession, and there are people who are actually on capitol hill having a conversation saying, well, maybe we need to go back into those financial dark days by not increasing the deficit, or the debt limit, isn't that just hard to believe for most americans? >> well, i think everybody understands this is like turning an aircraft carrier around. you can't stop it in a foot and a half. it takes a while to get it
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changed. they're making sure they're going to have the maximum cuts coming forward so you don't hav financial industry and they say you can play around with all of this you want to in the d.c. but at some point the bond markets will have a say in what you're doing down there and folks are getting out of u.s. treasuries, the closer we get to the august deadline. >> like the greek bonds. >> or hold it in cash until this is figured out. we all know this has to get done. let's go ahead and do it and move on. >> had a piece at the top of the program here talking about the possibility of the president actually invoking the 14th amendment of the constitution and going ahead and sort of raising the debt limit on his own. do you think that flies here in washington given the fact that the congress has always sort of gone through this procedure? >> well, you know, if it weren't
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for timothy geithner opening his big mouth back in january when he said we need to get this done by march 31st we need to be past this and he said we can make it go to august 2nd and the reality is they can tinker and get things done to. your specific question, no. i think it's best for the president to say to -- to the leaders, both the republican and democratic leaders in the house and senate, get them together in the same room saying we're not leaving or going to the bathroom until we get a deal. >> when it came time to do that, he did the reconciliation package instead of going back for the health care reform vote. there's a little bit of history of obama willing to lay it down on the table to have it get done. >> he was standing in a glorious 34% approval on his handling of the economy. >> usually when you get sort of closer to the end of a congressional session you start hearing things like do-nothing congress t.becomes a label that they have to deal, but it seems to have started just a little
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bit earlier than most times. "the chicago tribune" had an article calling the 112th congress the least productive in recent memory. do you agree with that? do you think it's fair, and if so, who is to blame? >> well, both sides haven't been doing very much legislating up there, but the reality is we had a very active congress last session. they passed huge stimulus bill. passed a health care bill. they got a couple of supreme court nominees through the process, and this -- and in reaction you had the tea party which came out which said hold on, wait a minute so i think the congress is reacting to the voters and slowing it down and the biggest thing on table is the debt and deficit. >> as a conservative, i'm in favor of the congress doing the minimum amount to keep the doors open and no more because when the congress acts quickly it acts badly. >> would you make the argument that the republicans in the house of representatives were actually hired to put on the brakes? >> oh, i think that's probably true, certainly on spending and
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new programs. i don't think there's any question about that. the issue is that the economy is still creeking along at 1. whatever it is growth and don't know what to do so the congress is waiting for direction from where, the white house and they are not getting it. >> hard to pass a spending bill until you know what you're doing with the deficit and the debt. you don't want to pass something that you'll end up having to cut. >> what they ought to do -- the first bill that they take up every new congress or every year ought to be the debt limit and then make everything fit under that. we're going to have a joint op-ed. >> thanks so much for coming in. >> happy fourth of july. >> yeah, you bet. >> thanks. i hope i get to see the fireworks tonight. >> happy 1492. >> 1776, whatever. >> we're keeping close watch on the casey anthony murder trial as jurors get ready to wrap up their first day of deliberations and a brazen e-mail by a fugitive in a murder case
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essentially daring police to catch him, if they can. right now, go to priceline for a sneak peek at recent winning and better than ever! hotel bids to find where you n save up to 60% on hotels. * we'll even email you other people's winning bids, so you'll know what price to name. *á with new hotel bid alerts, from priceline. got the mirrors all adjusted? you can see everything ok? just stay off the freeways, all right? i don't want you going out on those yet. and leave your phone in your purse, i don't want you texting. >> daddy... ok! ok, here you go. be careful. >> thanks dad. >> and call me--but not while you're driving. we knew this day was coming. that's why we bought a subaru. aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's never been easier to get the whole grain you want from your favorite big g cereals. from cheerios to lucky charms, there's whole grain in every box. make sure to look for the white check.
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there's whole grain in every box. you could save a bundle with geico's multi-policy discount. geico, saving people money on more than just car iance. ♪ geic here's a look at how americans are celebrating this fourth of july n.iraq, u.s. soldiers pledge allegiance
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during a naturalization ceremony ball game n.afghanistan, troops cut into a special fourth of july cake. in washington, patriotic banners hang in front of the national archives. also in washington, people hold giant balloons on the national mall to show their patriotism. hot shots, pictures from around the world. the crew of "atlantis" arriving at kennedy space center today just days before they launch the final shuttle mission. as we count down to friday's landmark event, we have an exclusive and in-depth look at what goes on inside a space shuttle. cnn's john zarella got a tour of the newly retired shuttle "discovery." take a look at this. >> welcome aboard the space shuttle. >> thank you, commander. >> we're on the mid-deck right now. >> reporter: these days bob cabana runs the kennedy space center. before that he just happened to be an astronaut. flew in space four times, twice as pilot, twice as commander.
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his first two trips, he was pilot of "discovery" and knows how many inch. >> if you're flying a crew of seven, three folks down there, one there and two more over here. >> reporter: sitting here cabana is reminded of a liftoff on "endeavour." >> what a ride. just a sense of speed and acceleration. >> okay. there's main engine start. pretty soon you'll see the srbs, a lot of shaking and vibrating. >> pushed back in the seat and the last minute you hit the 3g acceleration and then all of a sudden you come forward in your seat like that. >> you really know you're going to space. >> reporter: "discovery" is the first vehicle being retired. when all the cleanup is done, stuff like freon, ammonia and pyrotechnics should be turned over to the smithsonian, not easy says stephanie stillson. for 11 years her job as flow director was to make sure
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"discovery" was ready to fly. her job now, make sure "discovery" is museum ready. >> and we do think of "discovery" as a family member. we've taken care of her for all these years and it will be hard for many people to realized we're no longer responsible for that, that somebody else has to do that for us, so it will be a big change for us. >> stilson always dreamed of being a launch director. no woman has ever held that job, but for now, nasa has nothing for her to launch. back on board -- >> let's go take back. >> sure, we'll take a look in the air lock. >> reporter: i'll crawl about 12 feet. i'll drag his cables in, too. on the other end is the shuttle's cargo bay, spacious enough to hold a school bus. over the 39 flights of "discovery," dozens of astronauts in spacesuits have been at this exact vantage point waiting to step out to repair a satellite or build the space station. >> i just remember when we
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landed, i did not want to get out of the commander's seat. trying to get me out. like this is my space ship. you can't have it, you know. i didn't want it to end, you know? i just wanted it to go on. it was great. >> reporter: and now it really has. >> you're in "the situation room." happening now. casey anthony's fate is now in the jury's hand. she's accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter. we're waiting for a verdict. the suspect in an american university murder is not only unwilling to return to the united states but is taunting law enforcement. gary sinise an advocate for the troops and on had fourth of july we'll hear about his late
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f-mission. breaking news and political headlines are straight ahead. wolf blitzer is off. i'm joe johns, and you're in "the situation room." the first day of deliberations in the casey anthony murder trial is expected to be wrapping up right now in orlando. we have some live pictures for you. jurors got the case following closing arguments in which prosecutors blasted the defendant who is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter caylee. we have pictures now as the judge brings the jury back into the courtroom apparently to dismiss them for dinner this evening. david, as we watch these pictures, perhaps you can tell us what you know of what's going on. >> reporter: well, it probably won't be let the jury go just for dinner. it will probably be letting them go for the night. the judge hoping they will have a regular set of hours each day as they go through the mountains
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of testimony and everything they have had to listen to over 33 days in this trial. right now we're expecting the judge to bring this to talk to them and make sure that they are following the rules and then tell them good night. >> so we do know that they have been going on for several hours, as a matter of fact. let's listen to what the judge is saying as we contemplate that he brings the jury back in. >> the jury may be excused for the evening. see you back here in the morning at 8:30. >> all rise for the jury. >> very quickly we caught just the very end of it as he excused the jury for the evening. there, of course, is casey and the any, the prosecutor and the prosecution team. everyone obviously just sitting around that courtroom waiting to find out what the decision of the jury may be, deliberating very what -- several hours, am i right, david mattingly, about five or six?
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>> got it right before lunch today, and as they did right there at the end -- listening to the judge. asking if there's anything else. >> let's go back and listen to the judge. >> okay. we'll in recess until 8:30 tomorrow morning. we keep catching just the very end of this. all right, go ahead, david mattingly. pick up your thoughts. >> reporter: 8:30 tomorrow morning, they will come back and do this again. the prosecution really gave them some very strong words, the strongest words they have had so far about casey anthony right there at the end. of course, they had the last word in these closing arguments, and here's how it went. >> mr. anthony said he would trade places with his daughter in a second. >> reporter: just minutes before this sad and tragic case was put in the hands of the jury, it looked like casey anthony had heard enough. the prosecution painted her as a party girl whose child got in
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the way and had to go. not as the defense claims a loving mother whose little girl accidentally drowned in the family pool. >> just no conceivable reason why anybody would put duct tape on the face of a dead child. i said it before. people don't -- people don't make accidents look like murder. that's -- that's absurd. >> reporter: in closing arguments, prosecutors use their strongest language yet calling anthony a pathological liar and playing this recorded phone conversation where casey effortlessly lies to a friend about a nanny kidnapping cahaleo. >> they said that the person that you dropped caylee with doesn't even exist. >> because oh, lock they can't find her in the florida database. she's not just from florida. if they would actually listen to anything that i would have said to them, they would have had their leads. they maybe could have tracked
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her down. they haven't listened to a free dinner thi-- a [ [ bleep ] thing that i've said. casey anthony living it up and brandishing a new tattoo called the good life all in the weeks after her little daughter disappeared. >> whose life was better? that's the only question you need to answer in considering why caylee marie anthony was left on the side of the road dead. >>. >> reporter: and that may not be the only question that the jurors have as they go through the mountains of evidence that they have. but surprisingly, joe, they haven't asked to see any of that evidence. >> david, do we have any idea
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whether casey anthony is able to watch television or what she's doing or where she's sitting while these proceedings are going on in the jury room? >> reporter: we do know she has to stay in the courtroom. they do have a holding area. we're not sure if she's in the holding area where they keep inmates for trial. everything once she goes back through that door in the back of the courtroom we don't see her movements, and they haven't been telling us about them. just as the jury, once they step out of the courtroom, they have been protected throughout this trial, and -- and at this point we are waiting to see what happens behind closed doors and how soon will that happen. >> david mattingly, thanks so much for that reporting, so the end of the first day of deliberations in the casey anthony trial, they will start again tomorrow around 8:30 eastern time, and we'll be watching. >> we want to get more now on
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how each side did closing arguments and what may be going through the jurors' minds. joining me right now is cnn legal analyst sunny hostin. let's start by listening to something that happened during the closing arguments. here is the defense attorney, jose baez. >> no real hard evidence. no dna. no fingerprints. nothing, but she's a liar and a slut. convict her on that, and she lied and she didn't act the way she needs to. she made some stupid decisions, but let's make her pay with her life. >> i know you have a lot of defendants in bad situations, and their lives aren't always perfect, but in your view what does it do for the defense to repeatedly call the client a liar and a slut? >> well, you know, i think the defense had to tackle that head on because we know from all the prosecution's evidence that casey anthony is indeed a prolific liar, pathological liar
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as the prosecution says, so they had to really confront that and put it out there, and they spun it, joe, let's face it. they said, yes, maybe she's a slut, maybe she's a liar but does that make her a murderer? the defense theory all along is that this is an accident, not an intentional murder, and so i think it perhaps it played okay for this jury. i think the terms liar, the term slut makes people feel uncomfortable, but this jury has heard a lot worse during the course of 33 days of testimony. >> sunny this, has been a very hotly contested trial, as you know. you've watched so much of it. there was a moment during the closing arguments when both the defense attorney and the lead prosecuting attorney did something that brought the judge to the point where he had to admonish everyone and pretty much stop the trial for a moment or two. let's listen. >> and depending on who is asking the questions, whether it's this laughing guy right here or myself. >> objection. >> sustained.
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>> depending who is asking the questions, this laughing guy right here. >> you get the gist of it there, it looks like the prosecutor has his hand up to his face, perhaps is snickering just a bit, and the defense attorney during his argument actually makes reference to it, how does something like that play with the jury? >> well, we know from studies that have been done that juries watch everything. and these two gentlemen have been going at it from the very beginning. jeff ashton, the lead prosecutor emotors quite a bit. he's been sort of smiling and snickering from opening statements, and so i think perhaps jose baez, it just got the best of him and reacted to that laughing, to those smiles. i don't think that that was a good thing. that's why the judge immediately called both attorneys in. he really threatened them both with contempt, but, you know, they are adversaries, joe. they are in the heat of battle. i would describe them as gladiators almost having watched this for so long, and, unfortunately, at times it does
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get personal in the courtroom. there's no love lost between these two, but they made up at the end of it. jose baez actually said to the judge i don't want him to be held in contempt, talking about his opponent, the prosecutor, and neither of them were held in contempt, but certainly i believe the jury saw the fireworks between these two men. >> again. the judge has dismissed the jury for the evening. they are expected to return to the deliberations around 8:30 tomorrow morning eastern time. former international monetary fund dominique strauss-kahn may face new sexual assault charges in france three days after being freed from house arrest in new york. in the new york case involving an alleged sexual assault on a hotel maid, prosecutors have raised doubts about the accuser's credibility. but in france another woman is ready to take legal action. here's cnn's jim bitterman in
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paris. >> reporter: joe, deskraominiqu strauss-kahn's problems may not be over as a 33-year-old woman is going to bring formal complaints over an incident that took place back in 2003. she was a young journalist, went to interview strauss-kahn and she said strauss-kahn sexually assaulted her. didn't bring charges at the time because her mother talked her about it, a mid-level socialist party member, the mother decided to talk her daughter out of it and says now that she regrets that. the lawyer says that he is going to bring the charges now because they were waiting for developments in new york. here's what he told cnn >> translator: if we had something to say to mr. strauss-kahn legally, we'll do it in france, and we will do it when i am able to explain to my client the exact consequences in the united states of a move made by us in france.
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>> reporter: no matter what happens with the legal charges here in france, it appears most french do not want to see him run for president. according to a public opinion poll that will come out tomorrow. in fact, 54% of those surveyed say they do not want to see strauss-kahn run for president. joe? >> jim bittermann reporting. in anticipation of the new charges in the alleged 2003 incident a lawyer for strauss-kahn in france has filed counter charges against the 32-year-old writer for slander or, quote, false declarations. a dramatic move that could allow president obama to bypass congress if it fails to raise the u.s. debt ceiling. we'll take a look at the constitutional amendment some say gives him that power. plus, a rare and exclusive look inside the agency charged with connecting the terror dots. i remember the days before copd.
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in a recent bull tilt federal officials found information found in a raid on osama bin laden's compound showed al qaeda's interest in hitting u.s. targets on symbolic dates such as the fourth of july. so far this summer the fbi and homeland security department say there's no specific or credible information that terror groups are planning to attack. and a cnn exclusive, homeland security correspondent jeanne meserve takes us inside the government's nerve center where disrupting any plots is a 24/7 job. >> reporter: relics from the 9/11 attacks are on display
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in the lobby of the national counterterrorism center. >> i grew up in new jersey right across the bridge from manhattan and had a lot of connection to the world trade center. i actually had my senior prom from high school in the world trade center, had my college graduation with my parent in the world trade center, and i was actually sworn into the navy in the world trade center, and to come down here some days and look at the twisted metal and realize there was a time where i was standing in the building that that metal supported and now to be in a position to be able to again try to bring some justice and some closure after that incredibly tragic day is emotional for me, and it's been a real honor for me to do this for four and a half careers. >> during his ten tour, one of his striking trends have been the proliferation of home-grown terror plots. he believes rooting out the
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problem requires broader and deeper engagement with the muslim community. >> we have to face it down with a whole government approach. this can't be just about homeland security and about the fbi. it has to be the federal department of education. it has to be mayors. it has to be governors. it has to be community groups. it has to be industry, working in a partnership to connect with these organizations and -- and really show the absence of a positive message for al qaeda. >> but among the challenges, the internet which jihadists are using with increasing sophistication to spread their gospel of terror across the u.s. and across the world. >> is the u.s. disrupting jihadist websites? >> i really can't comment on specific operations. you won't be surprised to hear, but i all of what we do in the war on terror has to be all elements of national power, and part of that clearly can involve watching what jihadists are doing on the internet and then
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when necessary to disrupt attacks, disrupting their ability to communicate, train and plot. >> disrupt willing their ability to propagandize? >> well, this gets into a really tricky area because what guides all of our effort is our constitutional principles and elements like the first amendment and other legal aspects of this, so we're not there to stop people from communicating. we are there to disrupt plots. >> but what about the right to privacy? some believe it is sometimes surrendered in the name of security and calls for a better balance. >> do you think we found it or are leaning too far in one direction or another in. >> i don't think, jeanne, there's any one moment where we know the answer to that. i think as the threat changes, as americans' expectations of privacy change, we have to constantly re-evaluate that so do i think we're in about the right place right now, i think
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we are, but, again, as al qaeda evolves and as our expectations of privacy evolve, this has to be a constant review of what we're doing because we have to have the americans people trust to do it well. though there's not been a major terror attack since 9/11, the nation can never assume there never will be. >> i think the american people are incredibly resilient. they take care of themselves and turn to the government for things they can't do themselves, but i actually think it's the political system that requires resilience, that the political system doesn't enter spasms after an attack and in doing so hands al qaeda a victory that they might not otherwise enjoy. >> leiter points to the christmas day underwear bombing in 2009. the ncts was harshly criticized for not picking up on the plot. some of it was warranted, he said, and some was not. >> do i think some of the political discourse got overly heated and undercut the morale of some of the officers working
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throughout the intelligence community? i do. i think we could have been more constructive and less heated, and that would have shown al qaeda that we are in fact resilient again from top to bottom. >> reporter: do you think terrorism has become a partisan iss issue? >> i think, unfortunately, it has too often. >> reporter: leiter won't name names, but he clearly has faced frustrations, and sometimes when he does he returns to that memorial in the lobby. >> it can sometimes get bogged down in these jobs with bureaucratic garbage, and this reminds people that this is what's important, it's defending innocent people from being killed by terrorists. >> this is the touchstone, as it were, for everything that you do. >> it really, is and i've dom come down here on bad days when i've had bad meetings or been frustrated. come down here and look at that metal and look at that flag and
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it's a great way of recharging your batteries. >> and refocusing the effort? >> absolutely. >> reporter: mike leiter is stepping down, he says, because it's good for the agency to have new leadership with new perspective and after four and a half years running at 100% capacity 24 hours a day, he is ready to slow down a bit. jeanne meserve, cnn, washington. a disaster off of mexico's coast with american tourists among the dead and missing. details of the search for survivors. plus, enough treasure to make indiana jones jealous. details of a multi-billion dollar treasure discovered under a temple. re my sunshine ♪ ♪ my only sunshine ♪ you makes me happy ♪ when skies are grey ♪ you'll never know, dear ♪ how much i love you ♪ please don't take my sunshine away ♪
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yeah? you did a really good job, okay? let's go back to drawing.
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white house south lawn there. the president of the united states hosting a july 4 uso concert. a lot of people don't know, this but he is the honorary chairman with the usoch they are having a barbecue. you're going to see games out there, some fireworks in honor of america's 235th birthday waiting to see the president right now. mary know is monitoring that and some of the other top stories in "the situation room" right now? mary, what do you have? >> joe, at least five people are
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missing in the waters off baja california's east coast where a tour boat carrying 43 people capsized and sank in rough weather last night. dozens of survivors were plucked from the water. one person is confirmed dead. a u.s. spokesperson says most of the missing passengers are americans, and a u.s. navy helicopter is helping with the mexican navy search. a british soldier who went missing from a checkpoint in afghanistan has been found dead. the british defense ministry isn't identifying the soldier but does say he suffered gunshot wound. nato forces took part in what was described as an extensive search for the missing soldier. here in the u.s., the new mexico wildfire that was threatening the los alamos nuclear laboratory has moved on to a native american lab. officials say flames are closing in on hundreds of structures and numerous historic sites, including ancient pueblo homes and petroglifs. the fires have charred 121,000
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acres since it broke out june 26. reports of a remarkable discovery of a temple inside india. piles of gold, silver and precious gems set to be worth, get this, $11 billion. the treasure was found in a vault underneath the temple, some of which hadn't been opened in 150 years. descendants of a former royal family run the temple, and the fortune may have been stashed by a former king. as you said, it's enough to make indiana jones jealous. >> indiana johns, trying to get the crew to believe here. thanks so much, mary snow. have a good fourth of july, the rest of it, anyway. >> thank you so much. >> you bet. >> republicans on parade, most of the gop presidential candidates are spending this holiday with voters and key battleground states. a look at the politics and patriotism. a murder suspect taunts police saying meet him for brufrp at
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his mexican hideout. [ male announcer ] the network -- a network of possibilities. in here, the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile would deliver our next generation mobile broadband experience to 55 million more americans, many in small towns and rural communities, giving them a new choice. we'll deliver better service, with thousands of new cell sites... for greater access to all the things you want, whenever you want them. it's the at&t network... and what's possible in here is almost impossible to say.
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helping you save. now, that's progressive. call or click today. the president of the united states on the south lawn of the white house. there you see michelle obama. let's listen. >> happy fourth of july. >> on behalf of the entire obama family, we want to welcome you
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here to the white house. right now in small towns and big cities all across america, folks are getting together in their backyards, they are raising flags, firing up grills and enjoying time with family and with friends, and it's a tradition that we try to follow here at the white house, although i've got to say we've got a few more people here than most, and i cannot think of anybody i would rather celebrate with than all of you. the men and women of our military and our extraordinary military families. so let me just check to see who we've got here. i understand we've got some army here. how about navy? air force?
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marines. and we've got some coast guard. after all that you do for our country every day, we want to give you guys a chance to get out of the uniform, relax a little bit and have some fun. but, of course, it's also a time for us to reflect on the meaning of america. in many ways i think that that small band of patriots who signed their names to the declaration of independence and risked their lives for freedom might be surprised to see their legacy all these years later. a nation that's led revolutions in commerce, that sent a man to the moon, that lifted up the poor, that cured the sick, a nation that fought for democracy and served as a beacon of hope around the world but all this could only happen because of our
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founder's central faith that through democracy and individual rights ordinary people have it within their means to forge a nation that's more just and more equal and more free. and all of you are heirs to that legacy. you represent the latest in a long line of heroes who have served our country with honor and have made incredible sacrifices to protect the freedoms that we all enjoy. and i've got some of those heroes here with us today. like army sergeant first class justin gang, where's justin right here? while on patrol in iraq, his convoy was struck by an ied and fell under enemy fire. even after being wounded by shrapnel himself, he helped secure the scene and evacuated his wounded comrades to safety,
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and today we honor his extraordinary courage. navy hospitalman first class owabu. important nigeria, he became an american citizen and volunteered to serve in our nation's military, and as an orthopedic technician he helps the wounded warriors regain their strength and resume their lives back home, and today we honor his incredible dedication, obi. air force master specialist heather atkins. is that heather's husband out there? heather doesn't have a husband. i'm not trying to get anybody in trouble here. whether it's partnering with iraqi army or making sure our troops have shelter in some of
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the toughest places on the planet, she knows how to get things done, and today we honor her tireless devotion. marine corps staff sarjeant keith kesterson. he rushed through enemy fire to free a trapped marine inside a burning equipment and after untangling the marine's equipment he extinguished the flames and pulled him to safety and today we honor his unyielding loyalty. coast guard chief petty officer marlene rickland. where's marlene? right over here. come on over here. less than 24 hours after the devastating earthquake in haiti,
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she was on the scene helping direct aid and save lives in the midst of chaos, and today we honor her incredible dedication. these american patriots, all the services that are represented up here today, all of you who are out there today, you're the reason why america and our armed forces remain the greatest force for piece and security that the world has ever known, and together you're standing with all of those around the world who are reaching for the same freedoms and the same liberties that we celebrate today, so i just want to close by saying thank you. you've done everything that we could have asked for you. your families have served alongside of you with strength and devotion. america is proud of all of you, and as long as i have the
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privilege of serving as your commander in chief, i'm going to make sure that you have the support that you need in the field. i'm going to make sure that you get the care you deserve when you come home, and with the help of michelle and dr. jill biden, we will make sure america takes care of your families and recognizes the extraordinary sacrifices that they are making. this day is possible because of your service, and so i think it's only appropriate that we give you a chance to celebrate it together as well. god bless you. god bless the united states of america and happy fourth of july, everybody. thank you. >> the president and first lady michelle obama celebrating the fourth of july with members of the united states military from various branches there on the south lawn of the white house, recognizing, acknowledging members apparently of each and every branch of the service and telling them that they are the reason why american forces
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remain the best fighting force in the world. it's as american as fireworks on the fourth of july. presidential candidates know this holiday is a terrific star spangled backdrop for campaigning. most of the republican contenders are out today hoping to turn the nation more red than plus in 2012. our mary snow is back following their appearances in critical states. mary? >> reporter: and joe, a busy day for campaigning. republican candidates were out in force today in iowa and new hampshire, some even crossing paths. the parades they chose are telling of the votes they are courting. some vying for more conservative voters and others focusing on moderates. ♪ it was a day of parades, patriotism and politics. >> you guys are all voters this year, huh? yeah, yeah, good. get out there and vote. >> reporter: republican presidential hopeful mitt romney pressing the flesh in amherst, new hampshire, state with the first primary and at one point
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he crossed paths with fellow gop challenger jon huntsman. >> thanks for being here. >> reporter: romney works has been effectively running for president since his unsuccessful 2008 bid took aim at president obama, repeating his stance that the president has made the economy worse. it's a statement that's drawn criticism from the left and from independent fact-checkers. >> president obama did not cause the downturn, but he made the recession deeper and longer than it needed to be, and he has made the recovery anemic. >> reporter: huntsman said out of the fray focusing on making a name for himself just two weeks after officially entering the race. >> this is when people turn out and want to meet some of the early candidates. want to shake your hand and begin to understand what you're all about so this was a must hit opportunity for us. >> reporter: in clear lake, iowa, two other republicans shared the same parade route, newt gingrich and michele bachmann, courting the same key part of the state for
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conservatives. >> bachmann for president. >> reporter: bachmann has been spending time in iowa after officially kicking off her campaign there. >> we love you. we'll be back soon. god bless snow as gingrich shook hands, he was asked about the partisan fighting in washington and the down to the wire fight over raising the debt ceiling >> i think the house republicans will pass a debt ceiling soon. the question is whether or not the president will sign it. i'm with you. >> reporter: elsewhere in iowa, rick stan tr-- rick santorum attended this parade and herman cane decided to attend a tea party in philadelphia. not everyone was mixing politics and parades. tim pawlenty and ron paul were two candidates who kept a low profile on this holiday. joe? >> mary snow in new york, thanks for that.
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a murder suspect wanted in the death of an american professor is now on the run and taunting police. plus, prince william's daring water landing. detoys of the duke and duchess of cambridge in canada. we all have internal plumbing. but for some of us with overactive bladder, our pipes just don't work as well as they should. sometimes, i worry my pipes might leak. but i learned there's something more i can do. now, i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain,
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the fugitive suspect in the murder of an american university professor is not only refusing to rush to the united states but is apparently taunting police in mess frajs his mexican hideout. our brian todd has the latest on this case from bethesda, maryland. >> reporter: joe, the murder of the professor who lived at this house shocked everyone who knew her, and the suspect's behavior since her death has raised eyebrows among officials who are chasing him. he's known as a strong trader, yoga teacher and poet. investigators say he had a relationship with a popular accounting professor at american university named suan markham, made lucrative investments with her and was the sole beneficiary of her $500,000 life insurance policy. they also believe he did this.
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>> she was hit with some force somewhere on her body. she was also choked to death, according to the medical examiner. >> reporter: that was last october at markham's house outside washington. at first the case had all the signs of a burglary gone bad. police say there were signs of forced entry at this window, signs of a struggle. a teenager was arrested later in markham's stollen vehicle, but police say as the evidence build it led them away from the teenager and straight to landaros. landaros gave a dna sample to police in el paso, texas, a suspect that matches one that was on the murder weapon and then he skipped across the border to juarez, mexico. the fbi has filed a criminal complaint naming him as the only suspect in the murdery. he's refewed to come back to the u.s., but it appears he's taunting police. the "washington post" obtained a recent e-mail from landeros to
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an el paso detective who asked to meet him. of course, you're cordially invited to meet the bridge in the opposite direction and meet me in juarez and we can talk shop all you want. best if you come on sunday, we'll have brunch. it will be my treat. yours, jorge. how frustrated are you at that? >> causing some delay. he's using the shield of an international border to delay and slow this process. we'd like justice to start and like him to return and have his day in court. >> reporter: dan morse of the "washington post" obtain the emace and spoke with landeros over the phone. he said the suspect even corrects the detective's grammer when he answers the e-mails. is this a game to him? >> i don't know that i would characterize it as a game. i think he's a confident person. confident when he's talking to me, professor markham's girlfriends who met him said he seemed confident and that's
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certainly the posture he's taking with the detectives. >> reporter: we tried to contact jorge landeros over the phone with e-mail and facebook messages. we've not heard from him. his attorney won't comment on the complaint or affidavit. in his conversations with the "washington post" landeros denied killing suan markham saying he wasn't in the u.s. at the time of her murder. police won't say much about any extradition deal with mexican authorities, only that they are working through the process. joe? >> cnn's brian todd reporting. just back from syria, cnn's hala gorani hosts "john king usa" at the top of the hour. hear the remarkable stories from her visit. and just ahead, we're with the royals in canada. cnn's max foster meets the duke and duchess of cambridge.
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while americans mark their independence from britain this july fourth holiday, britain's royal couple is on vacation in canada. cnn's max foster is trying to keep up with them. the duke and duchess hit charlottetown on prince edward island. william then took to the skies, a search-and-rescue pilot by profession, he was keen to meet
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up with his canadian counterparts. they are famous for this risky maneuver. an emergency helicopter landing on water. palace aides, no doubt, holding then the couple took to the water together, each in their own dragon boat. they are a sporty and competitive couple. so the winner was suitbly satisfied. then to the beach. this area is famous for its seafood. sand sculptures and a traditional welcoming ceremony. the canadians really are going crazy for the royals. the trip couldn't be going better for the royal couple. it's a grueling schedule. but their courage awaits. max foster, cnn, charlotte town. >> joining me now from prince edward island in eastern canada are royal correspondent max foster.
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max, you had to sit down conversation off the record with the duke and duchess. how did that go? and how were you able to arrange that? >> reporter: well, they have built up a good relationship with the palace. they gave us an opportunity to meet the couple. it was a fascinating conversation. it is going very, very well for them. i think william particularly is really pleased with the way things are going. it's a great conversation. when you look at the reaction that they had in area of canada, for example, you really understand why they're so excited about this. this is the first foreign tour. it just could not have been going better. >> what are they like in person? >> well, you know, they're young, obviously. william in particular looks really well, really healthy. they're very personable people. you really see this when out and about with the crowds as well. that's what different about this generation of royals. they're very chaty. they don't bother with all the
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formalities. they weren't expected to say hello your royal highness. they're very personal people. very chatty people. really interactive. throwing themselves into things. you saw the sort of things that they got involved in here on prince edward island, the rowing boat for example and also meeting the crowds. the very interactive. they're not formal. this is a new form of informal royalty, i'd say. >> you mentioned that the duke is particularly enjoying this. do you think the duchess is enjoying it less and in general how is she handling her new role and responsibilities? >> reporter: certainly she's handling her role brilliantly. i spoke to lots of veteran royal correspondents and photographers. and they're all saying she's doing a fantastic job. inevitable comparison with princess diana, of course. but she had that personal touch. but what you got here really is a double whammy. william's very good with people. catherine is very good with people. so as the group, they're very, very powerful. they have a celebrity status and
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the royal status. they're really powerful couple. catherine not as relaxed in person when you meet her simply because this is all new to her. william's had these experiences before. he knows it's going well. she perhaps needs to be told it's going well a bit more. >> so what's next on the trip? >> reporter: next on the trip, they go to the great outdoors as they call it. very keen to experience the great outdoors of canada. they're going to the northwest territories and you're going to see their competitive side yet again. they're going to be involved in a game of street hockey. and they're going to meet lots of young people at the youth parliament up there and then go even further out and sit around the campfire amongst tepees and meet people that live a local lifestyle up there. and catherine very scene to experience local arts and crafts. so i'm told she's going to be seeing how the process of making moose leather takes place. so she's getting involved in the
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crafts, again, throwing herself in as is william. >> max foster out in the rain for us. we thank you so much for that reporting. we'll be checking back in. a new effort by a hollywood star to help u.s. troops. we'll go one-on-one with lieutenant dan himself after gary sanise. or when you're distracted? when you're falling asleep at the wheel? do you know how you'll react? lexus can now precisely test the most unpredictable variable in a car -- the driver. when you pursue perfection, you don't just engineer the world's most advanced driving simulator. you engineer amazing. ♪
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finally, he's a well known actor who's equally well known as an advocate for america's troops and veterans. we talk to lisa sylvester about his latest effort to support those who serve their country. >> reporter: his most famous role -- >> lieutenant daniel. >> lieutenant dan. >> reporter: playing alongside tom hanks in forest gump. but gary sinise wears many hats and starring on the hit show "csi new york." he is a staunch advocate for military members and their families. >> this is awesome. you have two acres here? >> yeah. it's two acres right by the capitol to be involved with a project like this is pretty amazing. >> he is the national spokesman for the american veterans disabled for life memorial that will be built in the shadow of the u.s. capitol. >> look, if you're going to
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serve your country, you're going to go out there and defend this nation, the nation should be showed some appreciation and do what we could to take care of them when they come home. i'm just trying to do my bit, do my part to help keep them strong. >> reporter: sinise played guitar since he was a kid and started his own band. the lieutenant dan band after 9/11 as a waive giving back. his band travels the globe visiting troops in places like kuwait, afrg, and iraq. >> people don't have high expectations for an actor in a band, let's face it. so i like to -- i like to surprise them. >> reporter: his foundation is helping raise money to build homes for wounded veterans, job training and other needs. for 18 months a camera crew followed his band. the result, a movie "lieutenant dan band for the common good" available starting july 4th on pay per view on the internet. one out of every $4 will go to
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his charitable foundation. >> it's good. first-hand look at the kind of people that we have serving in our military, why they do it, what they do, how dedicated they are. what they're going through. you know, what the people that support them are going through, what their families are going through. >> he is not doing this for money or as a photo op. he says he's been moved about it stories of the men and women in uniform and he doesn't want them to be forgotten. >> i've been at events where somebody will come up to me and they'll have a picture of me with their son. and they'll say this was the last picture that was taken of him. i'm shaking hands and taking a picture for maybe ten seconds, 15 seconds for that person. but i know that, you know, i'm going to leave. i'm going to get back on the plane and go home. they have to stay there and something could happen to them. so i try to make that 15 seconds last a long, long time. >> reporter: the movie can be seen at lieutenant dan band